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Daily "PG" Laugh Sign-Up

 Do you want to wake up every morning, get on your computer, and actually enjoy the e-mail that is sent to you?  Tired of all the spamming that goes on?  This daily AllLaughs message will be something that you won't want to delete!!  You will receive 1 joke a day on Monday through Thursday. And on Friday, you will receive 3 jokes on your computer, in order to tide you over until Monday rolls around again.

We DO NOT sell, distribute, share, allot, display, discuss, exchange, peddle, bestow, auction, dispense, give out, disburse, deal, or issue anyone's e-mail address!!

In other words: No one else will see your e-mail address, and the only thing we will do with it is send you your daily AllLaughs jokes!!

Please note: This is the "PG" Laugh a Day list that you are signing up for. If you are wanting "R" jokes instead, please go to the Rated "R" Sign-up Page.

If you are ready to Laugh every day, send a blank e-mail to and you will be automatically added to the list!

   Thanks, and remember, Keep on Laughing!!